How long after insemination can you take a pregnancy test?

Going through intrauterine insemination (IUI) can be a really exciting, but also anxiety-inducing, time. It’s incredibly important to follow your doctor’s instructions on what to do after your insemination, including when to take a pregnancy test.
So When Can I Take a Pregnancy Test After IUI?
The rule of thumb is to not take pregnancy tests until two weeks after insemination. This is to avoid any false negatives or positives. Your hormones are going through many things for a myriad of reasons, and an at-home pregnancy test might not be as accurate before that two-week mark.
Why Can’t I Take a Pregnancy Test Two Weeks Before Insemination Then?
There are a few reasons we don’t recommend taking a test before 14 days. One of those is simply because of the timeline of the sperm getting to and fertilizing the egg, then waiting for the egg to implant. If you test beforehand and get a negative, the reasoning could be as simple as the process of fertilizing and implanting not being finished yet.
Some women receive a trigger shot before their IUI, which has a concoction of hormones that tell the body to release mature eggs. The hormones in this trigger shot can cause a false positive on your pregnancy tests at home.
You may also be having symptoms, and even if you are, don't take a pregnancy test. This could be because of the trigger shot or if your doctor prescribed progesterone.
What Do I Do Then?
Waiting is incredibly hard during this time, especially when you just want to know. We completely get it, so make sure to surround yourself with destressing practices and spend lots of time with family and friends to keep your mind off things. The lower the stress and worries, the better chance you have of successful implantation.