It’s Coming Out Infertile Day 2018

As a sponsor of Coming Out Infertile Day, we at Long Island IVF want you to know that you don’t have to suffer through another stressful holiday season trying to keep your infertility a secret.
The infertility struggle is painful 24/7, but for those who suffer in silence, the winter holidays are particularly hard. There are just too many occasions when you’re expected to be festive around others but you may just not be feeling it—holiday dinners, office parties, gift exchanges, cookie swaps, and more. If these people knew what you are struggling through, they could support you—or at least stop saying things to make it worse.
You may ache for a child when you see your adorable nieces and nephews opening presents or decked-out babies waiting to visit the mall Santa. You likely hold back tears when nosy relatives nag you about when you are finally going to have that baby. And isn’t there always a surprise pregnancy announcement at some holiday gathering? Despite your happiness for them, it can be hard to conceal the natural feelings of jealousy as you wonder when it will finally be your turn.
Coming Out Infertile Day was conceived four years ago to encourage those suffering from infertility to “come out” to their families, friends, and/or employers if they feel ready to do so… and to help them with the tools they need to do so. And most importantly, to come out in a way that feels right for them.
Infertility is a devastating disease that affects 1 out of every 8 couples. In addition to the pain and fear that comes with this diagnosis, many couples feel the unwarranted stigma of shame and guilt. Couples are often afraid to tell their families and friends (or their employers) that they are having trouble getting or staying pregnant and need treatment. So, they suffer in silence--sometimes for years. Even those who are ready to tell others their secret often don’t know how to do it.
A week before the emotional onslaught of the holiday season is the perfect time to offer help “coming out”. This year it falls on Thursday, November 15th. You can come out today or plan to come out on Thanksgiving or at another time that feels right during the holiday season.
Coming Out Infertile Day, seven months after National Infertility Awareness Week in April and a week before Thanksgiving, is a timely public reminder of the pain of infertility and a chance for those suffering to come out and get support.
The Long Island IVF Mind-Body Program’s counsellor, Bina Benisch, MS, RN, who specializes in counseling infertility patients, can help support those who feel ready to come out, but don’t know how to do it. Many people who have come out wish they had done so sooner. Consider unburdening yourself from the added weight of this secret and opening yourself up to the support of your family, friends and others. Contact us today for information on group and individual counseling options.